Kai Gao

Kai Gao


Peking University


Kai Gao is a final-year Ph.D. candidate in Software Engineering at Peking University, advised by Bing Xie and Minghui Zhou at Open Source Software Data Analytics Lab in Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies (PKU), Ministry of Education. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (major) and Economics (dual major) from Peking University in 2019.

His research interests span software engineering, with a focus on open source software supply chain, mining software repositories, and empirical software engineering. He is also actively exploring intelligent software engineering and program analysis.

Here is my CV (English Version) and CV (Chinese Version)


  • May 23, 2024. I have defended my doctoral thesis!
  • April 16, 2024. Our paper “PyRadar: Towards Automatically Retrieving and Validating Source Code Repository Information for PyPI Packages” is accepted by FSE 2024.
  • March 28, 2024. Our paper “How to Get It Right? A Comprehensive Analysis of Challenges and Strategies for Software Release Notes on GitHub” is accepted by EMSE. Congratulations to Jianyu!
  • December 18, 2023. Our paper “Characterizing Deep Learning Package Supply Chains in PyPI: Domains, Clusters, and Disengagement” is accepted by TOSEM.
  • July 18, 2023. Our paper “Understanding and Remediating Open-Source License Incompatibilities in the PyPI Ecosystem” is accepted by ASE 2023.
  • May 25, 2023. Our paper “Survey on Open Source Software Supply Chains” is accepted by JOS.


  • 09/2019 ~ Now, Peking University, PhD Candidate in Software Engineering
  • 09/2017 ~ 07/2019, Peking University, Bachelor of Economics (Dual Major)
  • 09/2015 ~ 07/2019, Peking University, Bachelor of Computer Science (Major)


  • Email: gaokai19 AT pku DOT edu DOT cn
  • Address: No.1 Science Building Room 1537, No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing (100871).